Llamaverse is a 4000 Supply Genesis Collection. [Whitepaper & Docs HERE](https://nftllama.gitbook.io/llamaverse-official-documentation/) [Official Website HERE](https://llamaverse.io) Made up of 3500 Static Llamas and 500 Animated 1:1 Llamas. $SPIT Token + Utility + Tools + Breeding + Gamification + Alpha [Twitter](https://www.twitter.com/llamaverse_) [Discord ](https://www.discord.gg/llamaverse)
0.02 ETH
$41.55 -82.79%
72.19 ETH
$157,156.60 -85.95%
0.01 ETH
18.00 ETH
835 +26.32%
Llamaverse Genesis is trading at a floor price of $41.55. There is a total of 4000 NFTs minted held by 835 unique owners with a total market cap of $157,156.60.