**AN 8-BIT OBITUARY OF FAMILY FIENDS** There are 7,132 Obits. We are all unique, restless souls of our own generation. Dead Ringers are the most coveted of the clan but ownership of any Obit will grant you access to exclusive launches, airdrops, and other surprising pleasures. Grave pleasures indeed. Visit the [Obits website](https://obitsnft.com) for more details.
0.04 ETH
$86.92 +56.87%
246.07 ETH
$534,688.13 +37.75%
0.04 ETH
18.00 ETH
2,836 -1.87%
Obits Official is trading at a floor price of $86.92. There is a total of 7122 NFTs minted held by 2836 unique owners with a total market cap of $534,688.13.