AGIX Цена живея данни
Днес цената на Singularitynet е $0.215726 щатски долара при 24-часов обем на търговия от $40.51K милиона щатски долара. Singularitynet (AGIX) е нараснал с 4.76% през последните 24 часа.
Today’s AI tools are fragmented by a closed development environment. Most are developed by one company and perform one extremely narrow task, and there is no straightforward, standard way to plug two tools together. SingularityNET aims to become the leading protocol for networking AI and machine learning tools to form highly effective applications across vertical markets and ultimately generate coordinated artificial general intelligence.
Most AI research today is controlled by a handful of corporations—those with the resources to fund development. Independent developers of AI tools have no readily available way to monetize their creations. Usually, their most lucrative option is to sell their tool to one of the big tech companies, leading to control of the technology becoming even more concentrated. SingularityNET’s open-source protocol and collection of smart contracts are designed to address these problems. Developers can launch their AI tools on the network, where they can interoperate with other AIs and with paying users. Not only does the SingularityNET platform give developers a commercial launchpad (much like app stores give mobile app developers an easy path to market), it also allows the AIs to interoperate, creating a more synergistic, broadly capable intelligence.
Within this framework, AI transforms from a corporate asset to a global commons; anyone can access AI tech or become a stakeholder in its development. Also, anyone can add an AI/machine learning service to SingularityNET for use by the network and receive network payment tokens in exchange.