Twitter finally added ETH Blockchain to its platform. Now available for sending and receiving tips.

Just in 3 months after former CEO Jack Dorsey stepped down and was replaced by Parag Agrawal, Twitter decided to allow Ethereum addresses on its platform. Yesterday, 16 Feb, Twitter added the Ethereum payment option for its tip jar feature to send tips and show support towards content creators.

"We've added Paga, Barter by Flutterwave, Paytm, and the option to add your Ethereum address."

Moreover, the microblogging application now supports international fintech providers like Paga, Paytm and Barter by Flutterwave, extending tipping features in regions like Nigeria, India and Ghana. However, tips are only available for users on iOS and Android phones.

The official Twitter support handle was used to break the news and share an FAQ article on tips and tipping. It read:

"Have you set up Tips on your profile yet so it's easy for people to show their support?

No: What are you waiting for? Here's how:"

Content creators on Twitter or any other regular user seeking to receive ETH tips must enable the tipping features in settings and add an Ethereum address to the dedicated section of their profile. Currently, any shot of replacing the alphanumeric address with an Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domain has provided with a disappointing error box telling that "punctuation was invalid".

Presently, Twitter does not support ENS addresses, but instead, it copies the receiver's wallet address, redirecting it to the sender wallet (with the address still copied) to make the payment.

Last year in September, BTC became the first cryptocurrency payment option available via the Twitters tipping jar feature. Tips can be sent through the Lightning Network, which sends payment using the Strike app. Sametime Twitter provided no additional details on tipping in ETH. Nevertheless, according to Twitter, users can keep 100% of the tips they receive.

Twitter is unlocking more possibilities for people to show their support. Users can send tips through different payment channels and platforms.

The company announced its plan to support Paytm as an additional payment provider. Users can click the "Tips" icon for the accounts that have it enabled, redirecting them to complete the payment. According to Twitter, with Paytm onboard, users can use UPI, credit and debit cards, and net banking, among others.

In January this year, Twitter granted Twitter Blue users to upload nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, as their profile pictures. However, only iOS users can enjoy this new update.