NULS 가격 라이브 데이터
오늘 Nuls 가격은 $0.270466 USD이며 24 시간 거래량은 $2.95M USD입니다. Nuls (NULS)은 지난 24 시간 동안 0.98% 증진.
NULS is a microservices-driven blockchain project that uses the Proof of Credit (PoC) consensus mechanism (dPoS plus credit rating) to mine via staking. The NULS modular design features NULSTAR, a microservices-based framework reportedly enabling enterprise-grade blockchain solutions for smart contracts, private chains, public chains, dApps and NRC-20 tokenization. NULS 1.0 mainnet launched in July, 2018.
Following the principles of pluggability, modularization and parallel expansion, NULS provides smart contracts, multi-chain mechanism and cross-chain consensus to reduce cost of development and usage, and to promote the application of blockchain in the commercial field and the interaction among chains.
Upholding the "chain" as the core in the NULS development philosophy, NULS is striving for building its core product: "Chain Factory". In the meantime, NULS will realize the value circulation among chains through cross-chain module and build the ecosystem of blockchains.