PIVX 가격 라이브 데이터
오늘 PIVX 가격은 $0.196096 USD이며 24 시간 거래량은 $27.37K USD입니다. PIVX (PIVX)은 지난 24 시간 동안 3.78% 증진.
Private – Instant – Verified – Transaction(Tx) is an MIT licensed, open source, decentralized User Data Protection cryptocurrency with near instant transactions, low fees, high network decentralization level and Zero Knowledge cryptography proofs for industry-leading financial data protection.
With the SHIELD introduction, PIVX became the world’s first Proof of Stake based cryptocurrency to successfully implement zk-SNARKs based Sapling into its custom Proof of Stake blockchain. Thanks to the optional privacy and the Encrypted Memo feature, PIVX is compliant with the FATF Travel Rule and the AML/CFT laws.
PIVX also utilizes a decentralized network of masternodes that allow running various apps and services, treasury management, and community governance. PIVX is a DAO with built-in governance mechanism which allows masternode owners to vote for or against any submitted proposal.
PIVX features an advanced Proof of Stake consensus thanks to the Time Protocol v2 integration. Cold Staking feature is also available. Currently PIVX core development team is working on implementing Shielded staking, Deterministic Masternode Lists, Long Living Masternode Quorums (LLMQs), anonymous masternodes and anonymous voting.