$ 80,115  1.98%
€ 73,851  1.89%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 62,117  1.81%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 22.94B
Altcoin volume
$ 50.72B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.32T

Kumo x World Residents

Female founder and creator of 6,666 Kumo residents, 9 classes, 500+ traits. A percentage of sales go towards childrens and mental health charities Our roadmap includes Children Storybooks, Kumochis (like pets) for evolving, KxW Coins and future game development. Come join us on our adventures and write the story of Kumo's World with us.

Website Twitter Discord Instagram

Floor Price

0.00 ETH

$9.15 -60.80%

Market Cap

33.87 ETH

$63,759.82 -54.14%

24h Volume

0.00 ETH


Highest Sale Price

1.00 ETH


3,551 -0.25%

Total Assets


Kumo x World Residents is trading at a floor price of $9.15. There is a total of 6650 NFTs minted held by 3551 unique owners with a total market cap of $63,759.82.

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