10,010 Super Shibas, handcrafted by @LaughAndBelly. We provide community, utility and lots of opportunity! We are very active on Clubhouse, Discord and Twitter. Check us out! [**Official Website**](https://supershibas.io/) | [Official Discord](https://discord.gg/supershibas) | [Official Twitter](https://twitter.com/supershibaclub) | [Official BAMC x Super Shiba Club](https://opensea.io/collection/bamcxsupershibaclub) | [Honorary Super Shiba Club](https://opensea.io/collection/honorarysupershibaclub) | [Laugh And Belly’s Instagram](https://instagram.com/laughandbelly)
Super Shiba Club is trading at a floor price of $10.17. There is a total of 9997 NFTs minted held by 2996 unique owners with a total market cap of $0.00.