Ranking de moedas: #3454
Plataforma do token:
Mais elevado de sempre:$ 0.34696600
Oferta máxima:2,500,000,000
Mais baixo de sempre:$ 0.00060846
Circulating supply:1,622,677,657
ICO Preço:
Mais baixo de sempre:$ 0.00060846
Circulating supply:1,622,677,657
Data de lançamento:
ILC Price Live Data
O preço do ILCOIN hoje é de US $0.001244, com um volume de negociação de 24 horas de US $0.00. O ILCOIN (ILC) reduzir 0.00% nas últimas 24 horas.
ILCOIN is a cryptocurrency developed by ILCoin Dev Team. It is mined using SHA-256 Proof-of-Work (POW) technology . The ambition of ILCOIN is to evolve and become the foundation of a new, global digital currency-based economic system. ILCoin is a cryptocurrency that is not dependent on the present banking system and has its own independent value. There will be 2.5 billion ILCOIN available and they are looking to expand ILCOIN usage worldwide. In the near future they aim to be capable of handling smart contracts, but also to increase our maximum block size to 25 Mb in order to avoid future problems like hard forking because of SegWit.