DATX Preț Live Date
Prețul Datx astăzi este de $0.000613 USD, cu un volum de tranzacționare de 24 de ore, $0.00 USD. Datx (DATX) a coborâre cu 0.00% în ultimele 24 de ore.
DATx is a blockchain project initiated by Cosima Foundation and developed in collaboration with Avazu to revolutionize the advertising industry.
DATx is dedicated to developing a unified protocol for the entire advertising ecosystem, as well as constructing a complete set of operating mechanisms for the establishment of an effective, efficient, secure and sustainable advertising ecosystem.
DATx is committed to building a revolutionary blockchain based advertising ecosystem DATxChain, with decentralization as the foundation, artificial intelligence as the power engine, and DATx’s POI (Power of Identification) initiative as the guide.
The DATx ecosystem is sustained by various key structures and incentive mechanisms:
● Centralized/Decentralized Hybrid Data Storage - Stronger User Privacy and Security
● User Attention Based Incentivization - Opt-in and Closed-Loop Feedback Mechanism
● Transparent Machine Learning Algorithms - Higher ROI and Marketplace Efficiency
● Decentralized Audit Trail And Payment System - Anti-Fraud and Transparent