SMT Preț Live Date
Prețul Smartmesh astăzi este de $0.001421 USD, cu un volum de tranzacționare de 24 de ore, $17.26K USD. Smartmesh (SMT) a crescut cu 21.03% în ultimele 24 de ore.
Mesh network is an ad hoc network that can be automatically established between radio nodes such as mobile devices. It is more private, resilient, and efficient and often comes free, yet it has a challenge to scale, one of the reasons is the lack of economic incentives. In this project, we provide with such an incentive by introducing a crypto token, of which people can "mine" when they share their nodes.
Mesh network is often used and deployed in areas where Internet is not available, which means payment transactions between nodes need to be made without access to the blockchain, obviously this is a paradox.
Even when the device in this mesh has access to the Internet, there is still a problem: Because of a hard-coded limit on computation per block, the Ethereum blockchain currently supports roughly 15 transactions per second compared to, say, the 45,000 processed by Visa. To make Ethereum based ERC-20 token a viable payment solution for the mesh network we build, we need to make it faster.
How to scale up blockchain to make the payment fast and economical? The core enabler is to develop an off-chain payment channel by which such micro payment transactions to be both scalable and cost effective.