SNT Preț Live Date
Prețul Status astăzi este de $0.031402 USD, cu un volum de tranzacționare de 24 de ore, $10.32M USD. Status (SNT) a coborâre cu -7.54% în ultimele 24 de ore.
Status (SNT) acts as a mobile operating system for the Ethereum network, and provides users with access to the network directly from their smartphones. Status comes in the form of a mobile browser which opens up into Ethereum’s network of dApps, where users can exchange goods and services. An integrated instant messaging service allows users to communicate securely across the network.
Status was founded by Carl Bennets and Jarrad Hope, and the project’s ICO launched on June 20th, 2017. Status Network Tokens (SNT) were released at a ratio of 10,000 SNT for every 1 ETH. The ICO raised $99 million in just a few hours, with half of the 6,804,860,174 tokens currently circulating.
Status provides many of the payment services associated with a typical cryptocurrency, but goes much further in its ambition to provide a mobile window into the Ethereum network. All of Ethereums’s apps and services can be accessed via Status. A mobile device connected to Status becomes a light client node on the Ethereum network, opening up the entire ecosystem.