Ранг на монети: #213
Токен платформа:Ethereum
С най-високи нива по всяко време:$ 0.96233190
Максимално захранване:100,000,000,000
С най-ниски нива по всяко време:$ 0.01191918
Circulating supply:18,466,210,046
ICO Цена:
Cointype:utility token
С най-ниски нива по всяко време:$ 0.01191918
Circulating supply:18,466,210,046
Дата на излизане:
CRO Цена живея данни
Днес цената на Cryptocomchain е $0.084952 щатски долара при 24-часов обем на търговия от $8.92M милиона щатски долара. Cryptocomchain (CRO) е нараснал с 0.75% през последните 24 часа.
Crypto.com, the pioneering payments and cryptocurrency platform, seeks to accelerate the world’s transition to cryptocurrency. Crypto.com is headquartered in Hong Kong.
Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency is one of the major emerging mega technology trends of our century. By enabling trustless, immutable and decentralized transactions, blockchain technology is setting the foundation for a suite of new generation applications that will dramatically reshape the internet and enable stronger and more inclusive societies.
The mission of Crypto.com is to accelerate the world’s transition to crypto. The Crypto.com team has a clear vision to put cryptocurrency in every wallet with a strong focus on real-life use cases. It took Crypto.com a little over 2 years to launch the key product in its consumer offering: a globally accepted payment card - the MCO Visa Card. The reason for this is simple: traditional payment networks do not natively accept crypto today. It makes for a slow, expensive go-tomarket process, heavily limiting the number of people we can introduce to the crypto ecosystem. The Crypto.com Chain was created to address this problem.