Classement cryptomonnaie: #342
Token de plateforme:Ethereum
maximum historique:$ 1.7509089
Stock maximal:1,000,000,000
Minimum historique:$ 0.02655761
Circulating supply:380,500,000
ICO Prix:
Cointype:utility token
Minimum historique:$ 0.02655761
Circulating supply:380,500,000
Date de sortie:
CTSI Prix Vivre Données
Le prix du Cartesi est aujourd'hui de $0.067222 USD avec un volume de négociation sur 24 heures de $6.05M M USD. Cartesi (CTSI) est en hausse de 0.06% au cours des dernières 24 heures.
A propos
Cartesi is building an operating system for DApps. The project enables complex and intensive computations run in a Linux environment, outside the blockchain, without compromising decentralization. Cartesi aims to make DApps significantly more powerful, cost-effective, easier to develop, and portable. The goal is to bring mainstream productivity to developers and satisfying experience for users.