Classement cryptomonnaie: #398
Token de plateforme:Neo
maximum historique:$ 1.4850767
Stock maximal:1,000,000,000
Minimum historique:$ 0.00643158
Circulating supply:583,666,666
ICO Prix:
Cointype:utility token
Minimum historique:$ 0.00643158
Circulating supply:583,666,666
Date de sortie:
NKN Prix Vivre Données
Le prix du Nkn est aujourd'hui de $0.059829 USD avec un volume de négociation sur 24 heures de $3.53M M USD. Nkn (NKN) est en diminuer de -0.65% au cours des dernières 24 heures.
A propos
NKN (New Kind of Network) is a new generation of highly scalable, self-evolving and selfincentivized blockchain network infrastructure. NKN addresses the network decentralization and self-evolution by introducing Cellular Automata (CA) methodology for both dynamism and efficiency. NKN tokenizes network connectivity and data transmission capacity by a novel and useful Proof of Work. NKN focuses on decentralizing network resources, similar to how Bitcoin and Ethereum decentralize computing power as well as how IPFS and Filecoin[6] decentralize storage. Together, they form the three pillars of the Internet infrastructure for next generation blockchain systems. NKN ultimately makes the network more decentralized, efficient, equalized, robust and secure, thus enabling healthier, safer, and more open Internet.