$ 81,671  1.18%
€ 75,260  1.23%
¥ 172,521  0%
£ 63,248  1.36%
₽ 3,900,027  0%
BTC volume
$ 12.59B
Altcoin volume
$ 30.87B
Crypto market cap
$ 2.40T

How to buy Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is mostly bought only with Bitcoin. See our “How to buy Bitcoin” guide. There are a couple exceptions like Ethereum and Litecoin can be bought with fiat currencies.

Our platform offers a wide range of cryptocurrencies that can be bought with a simple buy/sell widget though a few simple steps.

  1. Set the amount of cryptocurrencies you want to buy.
  2. Set the wallet address where the cryptocurrencies needed to be send to.
  3. Settle the transaction with Bitcoins or credit card.

How do you get a wallet address? Each Cryptocurrency has a website on which you can find the Wallet to download. Once you downloaded the wallet and open it, you will get an wallet address to receive the chosen cryptocurrency. For example an Ethereum address look as follow 0x8F88ba5B3b19106e4C8a68e7885f3e7FcA66c233

Please notice each Cryptocurrency has its own wallet and only download a wallet from the official website of the chosen Cryptocurrency.

If you did not find a buy/sell option at your desired cryptocurrency you can buy the cryptocurrencies through an exchange, a platform where buyers and sellers are co-ordinated through one site. See our exchange list here.

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